The CLC Way

The Church Leadership Center (CLC) collaborates with congregations, pastors, individuals, and regional assemblies to train leaders who will:
Clearly and winsomely tell others the good news of Jesus.
Lead congregations in Christian discipleship.
Plant new churches actively engaged in evangelism.
Mentor future leaders in the Church’s Body Life.
Certified Training
Our CLC approach focuses on developing core leadership competencies essential for all ministry roles, emphasizing central teachings rather than specialized skills.
Understanding of the Old and New Testaments and biblical interpretation
Church History
Nature and administration of the sacraments
Capability to minister within the church
Maturity of faith
Personal integrity and call
Understanding of and adherence to pastoral ethics and practices
Ability to Preach
Theology and tradition

Transfer CLC Credits to a partnering Seminary
Participants who earn a Certificate of Completion will earn 15 graduate credits to attend an Associate Seminary.Learn More
CLC Learning Series can be taken in any order, but we recommend starting with biblical studies, followed by church history, and then theology. This sequence builds a strong foundation, with practical series like pastoral care and preaching building on these core insights.
Old Testament
In order to understand how God’s redemptive work began with IsraelNew Testament
In order to understand how Jesus brings the fullness of salvationChurch History
In order to understand how the church took this message into the worldChurch Structures
In order to understand The doctrinal standards of the Reformed ConfessionsTheology
in order to deepen understanding of God and God’s work in creation and God’s work in salvationJoin the many 'people in the pew' who have taken the CLC path.
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