An Overview

We welcome you to the community of learners and leaders that make up Church Leadership Center (CLC).

The CLC is an independent, non-profit, Christian training ministry assisting churches and individuals to deepen core ministry competencies and expand the number of servant leaders who will build up the body of Christ and bring many to faith in the mission of Jesus. This will be a pathway leading toward more effective ministry in the local church and marketplace. The CLC provides an in-person and online community that offers a “high-touch” and “friendly-tech” approach to ministry education for church leaders.

Looking to step into ministry leadership or grow your church's team of servant leaders?

The Church Leadership Center (CLC) offers a proven pathway for individuals in the pews who feel called to ministry. As a Christian, non-profit ministry, CLC specializes in equipping churches and individuals with the essential leadership skills needed to build up the body of Christ and expand His mission in both the local church and the marketplace.

Our holistic approach to ministry training emphasizes real-life application in three key areas:

  • Doing: You’ll already be serving in your church and community, applying what you learn in your context.
  • Being: Through guided spiritual growth and mentorship, you’ll experience deep personal transformation.
  • Knowing: You’ll strengthen your foundation in the Bible, church history, theology, and key denominational values or doctrinal standards.

Our training fills the gap between traditional academic training and minimal-commitment adult church classes by offering a contextually relevant, coach-facilitated, intensive approach. Whether you’re a pastor looking to develop your leadership team or an emerging leader discerning your next step in ministry, we’ll walk with you on your journey.

CLC offers both in-person and online community learning, making ministry training accessible to you wherever you are, with personalized support from our staff, facilitators, and coaches.

Join a growing network of church leaders who are being equipped for effective ministry in today’s world.

An Overview

Church Leadership center

Church Leadership Center (CLC) is an (1) independent (2) non-profit (3) Christian (4) training ministry (5) assisting churches and (6) individuals to deepen core ministry (7) competencies and (8) expand the number of leaders who will build up the (9) Body of Christ and bring many to faith in the (10) mission of Jesus.


1. Independent: We were started by the vision of several devout Christians as an independent training organization for church leaders in partnership with several denominations, independent churches, and organizations.

2. Non-profit: We are a non-profit organization registered (501c3) with the United States government, able to receive charitable donations, and functioning with minimal administrative costs.

3. Christian:
 Our goal is to serve Jesus and his church. All we do emerges out of that commitment.

4. Training Ministry:
 We provide personalized, mentored training for those who are seeking to grow in leadership competencies for service in the church and its church-planting ministries. We address the training needs of those who are already participating in some form of meaningful ministry leadership within a congregational setting, and who are working with their larger church structures to seek leadership affirmations and credentialing possibilities. We are not a denominational seminary or an independent Bible college and do not ourselves provide credentialing or diplomas and degrees. Our goal is to provide foundational competencies for meaningful church leadership to those who are already in the processes of ministry leadership, assisting them to lead more effectively and possibly to achieve certain goals of credentialing within their ecclesiastical organizations. Our training process is personal, mentored, facilitated, outcome-oriented, cost-effective, and reasonably short:

  • Individuals contact us seeking to grow in their ministry competencies for enhanced leadership effectiveness
  • We develop with them and their supervisory bodies a meaningful training plan that involves between one and ten courses, most of which are either five or ten weekly sessions in length, based upon their current levels of experience and training, and the specific outcomes or leadership roles toward which they are aiming
  • We connect each person to a mentor within their ecclesiastical setting, who will walk with this person throughout the time of their CLC training to provide guidance, feedback, encouragement, prayer, and helpful insights from years of ministry experience
  • We bring students together in classes (usually ten or five weekly sessions) of about 5-7 (sometimes connected across distances electronically) with a live facilitator who will teach our quality course materials and guide students through discussions and assignments which can become permanent records in their portfolios, giving evidence of the learning that has taken place.
  • We confirm the learning and achievements of each person to their congregations and larger ecclesiastical bodies, providing the foundation require for next steps in affirmations, recognitions, possible jobs and likely credentialing by those groups

5. Assisting Churches:
 Many congregations recognize the need for addition trained leaders beside seminary-educated pastors to provide support and direction in multi-faceted ministries. These congregations direct members and friends to CLC for foundational training in the key areas of ministry understandings and general skills. These churches are also important in the CLC process because they form the support communities of individuals who are receiving CLC training, and they provide opportunities for these individuals to engage in ministry leadership practices, while holding them accountable and possibly credentialing them for ministry leadership positions at the conclusion of their CLC training.

6. Individuals: 
Many individuals experience the call of Jesus to evangelize, nurture faith, and lead God’s people, but find themselves deeply invested in full-time occupations, family responsibilities, and other commitments that prevent them from going to seminaries or Bible colleges full-time. CLC training meets the needs of these people who have hearts of ministry passion and service, who are already volunteering as leaders in ministry settings, and/or seek necessary or additional learning to more fully equip them for better ministry leadership. CLC ministry training provides opportunities for these individuals to grow deeper in their leadership capacities while continuing in the dynamics of their current life situations. It also fosters one of the deep commitments of CLC, namely that those who study to gain ministry leadership competencies in this manner ought to be deeply integrated into a caring ministry setting. CLC training is not intended for isolated individuals who are merely seeking a diploma or a job.

7. Deepen Competencies:
Our CLC training ministry is based on the biblical teachings that some are called by God to ministry leadership, and that these individuals need to be equipped with at least basic competencies to engage in such ministry leadership. CLC training focuses on the basics that are necessary for all who seek to lead God’s people, providing short but clear courses in:

  • Bible knowledge and understanding, so that God’s redemptive work in our world is clearly understood
  • Church history overviews that help students gain a better understanding of how Jesus’ people have traveled through cultures and circumstances, and have articulated the central elements of Christian faith in a changing world
  • Theology, which takes the many elements of biblical teachings, and organizes them into a more comprehensive and integrated portrait of God’s work among us, and the flow of salvation that pulls us along in God’s grace
  • “Standards,” “Confessions” or "Doctrinal Statements" of the church, by which various families or denominations of Jesus’ people have summarized the most crucial elements of Christian faith and practices that they hold as non-negotiables at the center of their communities.

8. Expand Number of Leaders: 
Jesus told his disciples that the fields were white for harvest, but that the laborers were few (Luke 10:2), and that we should pray for more workers in the mission of the church, and invest our own selves in this ministry as we are able. Our goal, through CLC activities, is to encourage and enable as many people as we can to speak to others about Jesus, call many to salvation, and provide competent leaders in the ministry of Jesus’ church.

9. Build Up The Body of Christ:
 At CLC we are focused very specifically on leadership as it comes to expression in Christian ministry. We are not a general leadership training organization, though we do make use of whatever good leadership training insights are being communicated in our world. But our focus is on Jesus’ church, and enhancing the leadership gifts of those who have been called to serve in and through it.

10. Bring many to faith in the mission of Jesus:
Our constant encouragement and slant, in our CLC training, is for people to catch the fire and passion of Jesus for the lost and the last and the least in our world. We are not interested in training people to occupy static roles in maintenance ministry. We continually call those who engage in our training ministry to speak of their personal faith and to witness of God’s grace, and to challenge others to come to Jesus.