Summer time, Summer time, Sum Sum Summer time

Written by Church Leadership Center

June 10, 2014
[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_video link=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][dt_gap height=”20″][vc_column_text]Schools often slow down in the summer time. It’s as if it is okay to stop learning and to live the lyrics of the 1958 classic, “Summertime, Summertime” by the Jamies, or “In the Summer Time” by Andy Williams (1960). If you are too young to remember these or need a dose of nostalgia, take a moment to watch and listen!.

Church Leadership Center continues with our typical roster of courses. Check these out and forward this email to a lay leader for her or his continuing education. Many of the courses are available through distance learning.

Leadership and Ministry
The course provides an overview of leadership and ministry, biblical teachings on leadership, examples from Scripture pointing to leadership practices, and the New Testament call for leadership in the Church. Specific topics include: leading the faith community, calling and equipping, and accountable relationships. Meets six Thursday evenings (July 17, July 31, August 14, August 28, September 11, September 25) from 6:30-8:30pm. Location to be determined.

Pastoral Care and Counseling
From New Testament beginnings, “pastors” were uniquely gifted elders in congregations, functioning in the powerful tradition of shepherds who led and cared for human flocks, and taking their ecclesiastical cue from Jesus, who declared himself to the Good Shepherd. The course provides an overview of pastoral responsibilities and disciplines. Wednesday mornings (10-12 am); five discussion sessions on every other week, beginning on July 16. Online discussion group.

RCA History and Missions
This mini-class of three sessions is about more than a history lesson. It is about the legacy of faithfulness and struggle inherited by the Reformed Church and her ministries. The design of the class is simple; i.e. to appreciate the stories of the Reformed Church in America in the past, to see how those stories have shaped our present, and how they can inform the ministry of our churches/organizations today. This is about far more than history- it is about getting engaged in God’s mission today. Monday evenings; three discussion sessions during July – August. Online discussion group.

RCA Standards and Government
A survey of the Constitution of the Reformed Church in America in the areas of church government and theological standards (creeds and confessions). Participants will demonstrate a functional understanding and adherence to the government and Standards of the Reformed Church in America . They should be able to show an understanding of and appropriate adherence to the creeds and confessions (Apostles’ Creed, Nicene, Creed, Athanasian Creed, Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, Canons of Dort, and Belhar Confession). Meets late June – early September.

Spiritual Formation
This course, through selected readings and directed spiritual exercises, introduces the spiritual disciplines and the formation of Christian character. Participants are guided in reading Scripture for personal application, being attentive in prayer, and co-operating with the Holy Spirit in the process of sanctification as these relate to life and ministry. Five bi-weekly discussion sessions. Meeting times and location to be determined.

Participation Details
-Please pre-register by June 16, 2014 by sending an email to Mark Veldt:, 616-366-2954. Course meeting date and time options will be discussed with participants. Classes begin throughout the Summer.
-Work load: 5 CEUs (50 hours), meeting 3 – 5  times for 1 –  2 hours each time.
-Delivery: small group, phone and internet conferencing, (e.g., Skype, Google Hangout) or guided study
-The cost for each course is $300 (with the exception of RCA History and Missions, which is $150), to be paid prior to the first class meeting. Send check to: RCA Synod of the Great Lakes, Attn: Alison DeBoer, 4500 60th St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512.

Church Leadership Center works in partnership with pastors, churches, and other ministry groups to prepare congregational leaders for advanced levels of service. We do this by means of assessment interviews and reports; personalized training plans, classes, and certification so that participants are able to increase their effectiveness in all areas of church life.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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