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Political Religion

In Our Blog by Dr. Wayne Brouwer

The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the LORD and against his Anointed One. —Psalm 2:2 “Politics are almost as exciting as war, and quite as dangerous!” said Winston Churchill. “In war you …

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In Our Blog by Dr. Wayne Brouwer

Blessed is the man . . . —Psalm 1:1 There’s an ancient Chinese teaching riddle that tells the story of a man who’s running from a hungry bear. Suddenly he’s at the edge of a cliff. It’s either jump or …

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The House of Christmas

In Our Blog by Dr. Wayne BrouwerLeave a Comment

There fared a mother driven forth Out of an inn to roam; In the place where she was homeless All men are at home. The crazy stable close at hand, With shaking timber and shifting sand, Grew a stronger thing …

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The Death of Hope Part 4 The Remixed

In Article, Our Blog by Larry Doornbos

By and large, today’s new cults of and for the Remixed are what I will call “intuitional religions.” By this, I mean that their sense of meaning is based in narratives that simultaneously reject clear-cut creedal metaphysical doctrines and institutional …