By Burt Braunius
October 17, 2014If you should meet someone whom you have not seen for twenty years, what will that person remember aboutyou? Peter’s remembrance of Jesus is summed up in the phrase, “…he went about doing good…” (Acts 10:38).
The following thoughts are from one of Spurgeon’s Evening Devotionals based on that verse as Peter talked with Cornelius. Spurgeon’s point is that, like Jesus, believers are to be those who are remembered for doing good, doing good personally and doing good constantly.
Jesus did good personally.
He touched the leper with his own finger. He anointed the eyes of the blind. Where he was asked to speak the word only at a distance, he did not usually comply, but he went himself to the sick bed and there personally cured the sick.
The lesson for us is to do good personally by giving of ourselves. A financial gift given personally, accompanied by a kind look or word, will enhance the value of the gift. When you speak to a friend about his or her spiritual life; your loving words will have more influence than a multimedia campaign that urges people to come to church.
Jesus did good constantly.
He did not only the good which came close at hand, but he “went about” on his errands of mercy. Throughout the whole land of Judea, there was scarcely a village or a hamlet which was not gladdened by the sight of him.
How this reproves the creeping, loitering manner in which many serve the Lord! Let us examine ourselves and not be weary in well doing. The text implies that Jesus Christ went out of his way to do good. He was never deterred by danger or difficulty; rather, he sought out the objects of his gracious intentions.
There are lessons for us. If old plans will not answer, we must try new ones, for fresh experiments sometimes achieve more than familiar methods. Christ’s perseverance and the unity of his purpose are also hinted at, and the practical application of the subject may be summed up in the words, “He has left us an example that we should follow in his steps” (1 Peter 2:21).
Commissioned Pastors are Elders who are appointed as pastoral leaders. Church Leadership Center provides training for these ministry leaders to “do good” in ten areas of ministry competency. This past Sunday, September21, three CLC candidates were commissioned at Beechwood Church by Holland Classis (RCA, Holland, MI). Pictured are Eric Peterson, Pastor of Discipleship at Beechwood (Holland, MI); Hugo Vasquez, Pastor, Alas de Aguila (Holland, MI); and Israel Alvarado, Pastor, Alas de Aguila (Wyoming, MI).
Church Leadership Center provides training and support for those who are called to ministry. We work in partnership with pastors, churches, and other ministry groups to prepare congregational leaders for advanced levels of service. We do this by means of assessment interviews and reports; personalized training plans, classes, and certification so that participants are able to increase their effectiveness in all areas of church life. Click here for more information from our web site and to read previous blogs. To view videos about Commissioned Pastors and those who support them, click here.