By Justin Heap
June 3, 2016The Top 5 Leadership Blogs You Should Be Reading
A cursory search for leadership provides just short of a million resources. Indeed, the very definition of leadership comes in at least thirty-plus flavors. How does one begin to navigate the vast world of voices, articles, and tweets on leadership? Moreover, who are those communities or people that are seeking beauty along the way? Who are those innovative and brilliant thinkers among us that understand leadership can not be built, but called out of us?
Of course, you may already be aware of the Michael Hyatts, Daniel Pinks and Dan Rockwells of the leadersphere –but here are the blogs you may have never heard of; these are the Top 5 Leadership Blogs you should be reading.
1. 99U
This Webby-Award Winning website is equal parts creative and leadership. They provide the “missing curriculum” for building an incredible creative career –be it as a Church Planter, Designer, Entrepreneur, or Etsy Maven. What I love about 99U is their consistent language that leadership is influence, and by consequence trustworthiness. Of course, they also offer an incredible pool of excellent content from voices you’re likely to be hearing from the first time.
Standout Posts
. The Most Important Skill for Great Leaders? Trustworthiness.
. Pay It Forward: Why Generosity Is The Key To Success
. Alex Blumberg: Your Best Selling Points Are the Mistakes You’ve Made
2. Paul Sohn
Paul is a Coach and Consultant who makes it his life’s work to equip, encourage, and empower leaders. His blog is undeniably full of leadership and faith that is honest and vulnerable. Every piece is as accessible as it is rich with meaning –Paul has a great way of connecting story to life experience. Making this blog a part of your regular intake will help you stay dangerously sharp in conversations around the table of leadership.
Standout Posts
. 27 Charts Of Communication Styles Around The World
. 7 Questions To Help You Develop Your Leadership Point Of View
. Why Reading Tolstoy Will Raise Your Social Skills
3. The Muse
Now, The Muse is far more than a blog –they offer an extremely unique approach to helping you love your job by providing coaching and resources. It is the brainchild of Kathryn Mishew who, by all accounts, just seems like she understands how to live a life worth loving –as a Leader among leaders, nonetheless! Their writing on leadership is infused with practical insight and heartfelt inspiration. Similar to 99U’s blog, The Muse is a collective of thought leaders whose work is relentless in it’s pursuit of holistic leadership.
Standout Posts
. This Is How Grief Impacts the Way You Lead
. 3 Ways To Prove You’re A Leader, No Matter What Your Position
. 8 Surefire Signs You’re On The Path To Becoming A Real Leader
4. Leadership Now by Fast Company
If you’re like me, you are familiar with Fast Company, but never knew they offered a specific channel for Leadership. Well, they do and it’s full of compelling articles, interviews, and research. They seem to have cracked the code to becoming a Big Player without losing the magic of Small Startups. Blogs from Leadership Now offer a balanced approach of top-level management and questions we all ask. Be sure to add this to your reading list soon since you have more than 600 posts to choose from.
Standout Posts
. How To Map Out Your Decision Making
. 7 Ways To Start A Successful Side Gig
. Can Creativity Really Be Taught?
5. Simon Sidek
It’s true, Simon Sidek doesn’t have an official Leadership Blog –but his site offers the ability to treat it that way and that works for me. Sidek, re-creator of the Golden Circle, and author of Start With Why, is constantly pushing the Everyday Person to get at the heart of what matters, to see the very best future for themselves and others. His innovative thinking will have you asking the very best questions of yourself, your team, and the world you live in. Of course, Sidek’s website does lack a certain design aesthetic —you may want to subscribe via RSS.
Standout Posts
. The Definition of Purpose
. Why Better Is Better Than Best
. Planning Is Everything. The Plan Is Nothing
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