CLC Learning Series
Our CLC training ministry is based on the biblical teachings that some are called by God to ministry leadership, and that these individuals need to be equipped with at least basic competencies to engage in such ministry leadership. CLC training focuses on the basics that are necessary for all who seek to lead God’s people, providing short but clear course.

Learning Series
“Preaching” is a uniquely Christian activity. It is based upon the prophetic declarations by which God communicated divine wisdom and instructions to ancient Israel. It is shaped by the teaching ministry of Jesus. It is energized by the Spirit-inspired proclamations
Learning Series
Theology 1
Theology is the investigation of God’s character and interactions with us and our world, summarizing and systematizing what we can know both through creational and redemptive revelation. The course provides an overview of the topics revelation, scripture, the attributes and
Learning Series
Theology 2
Theology 2 is the investigation of God’s character and interactions with us and our world, summarizing and systematizing what we can know both through creational and redemptive revelation. The course provides an overview of the topics Jesus, salvation, atonement, sanctification,
Learning Series
Sacraments & Liturgy
At the heart of Christian community and identity is the worship of God. It is a reminder that we are not at the center of the universe, nor the source of all meaning and values. It is the recognition that
Learning Series
Pastoral Care
While leaders of churches are often identified as “preachers,” there is much more to congregational oversight than conducting Sunday worship or being the resident theologian who expounds on Christian doctrine. Moses found himself a father and mother and friend and
Learning Series
You are a leader. If you have influence in someone else’s life, you are a leader. Human society is built on relationships of leading and following, from families to education to business to health professions to police and military to
Learning Series
Church Structures
Although we believe ourselves to be creatures with free wills to act randomly and choose something new each moment, we actually live habitually, repeating the same actions over and over and over. We tend to get up at the same
Learning Series
Church History
Time is the great organizing force of human life. We move through time, marching to its incessant staccato drumming. When God created this universe, he established time as its regulator. Galaxies and planets share space, but dance to the melody
Learning Series
Old Testament

Learning Series