CRC Ministry Associate

certified training of church leadership center

You have felt the leading of the Spirit, and you know the call of Jesus to build up his church. You are a leader in the Body of Christ! But there is much you need to learn. There are competencies you need to hone. And there is knowledge you need to gain.

We at CLC can help you continue in your current ministry activities while preparing for greater and stronger leadership service. We will develop a training plan suited to your current personality and skills, as well as fitting appropriately for the kind of leadership you are called to provide in your ministry setting.

We will help you gain a mentor who will walk through this process with you, and set in motion short classes that will quickly ramp up your knowledge in the core areas of ministry leadership--deeper Bible understanding, awareness of the sweep of God's activities through the church's history, and sharper insights about the central teachings that have undergirded our faith.

By the time we have completed our journey together, you will be prepared for further credentialing, and feel greater confidence in your ability to meet the challenges of the ministry you have been called to by God and God's people.

Let's start today!