By Church Leadership Center
December 2, 2015Below you will find courses that will help you grow!
Church Leadership Center courses begin in mid-January on the topics of New Testament, Preaching, Sacraments and Worship, and Church Planting. These are relevant for leadership development, Commissioned Pastor candidates, or other adults looking for high commitment church-related learning experiences.
Classes may be taken in small groups or by video conference.
Class sections will be offered in multiple locations and times, as well as in an online discussion group; five, two-hour discussion group meetings over 10 weeks
The Bible presents God’s creative and redemptive acts on earth. And it is acknowledged as the very Word of God for those who continue to seek the salvation of which it speaks. This course surveys the New Testament looking first at the historical transition of “Israel” into “Judaism,” the world at the time of Jesus, his message and meaning, and then surveying the other documents of the New Testament.
Centerpoint Church in Kalamazoo, MI: 8 Thursday sessions from 7:00 -8:30am, beginning in January.
Central to all Christian ministry is the discipline of proclamation, the declaration of the Word of God both to the saints in the congregational setting and to the world in missional contexts. The course provides an overview of preparations for preaching, Biblical exegesis, examples of different preaching styles, and exercises for practicing the disciplines of preaching. This course will provide any leader a winning map for any public presentation.
Grand Rapids area; Thursdays: Jan. 14, 28; Feb. 8; March 3, 17 (time to be determined based on needs of class members)
This is a new course for church planters. You have heard the phrase, “If God orders it, God will pay for it.” You have been called by God into church planting and now you wonder just how God will pay for it. This course takes the fear out and puts faith and fun back into the work of God’s provision. Learn and grow with others in resourcing for Your church plant. Questions are answered such as the following. How do I approach donors and people of means to ask for their involvement? How do I manage the expectations? How do I raise the level of stewardship within the plant? Where are resources of funding that I may have missed or not thought of? How should the church plant be structured to not be as reliant upon donated dollars?
Location, format, times and dates to be determined based on needs of class members
The course provides an overview of liturgy and sacraments in the Reformed Church in America. Attention is given to significant concepts and practices in the understanding and administration of the sacraments and in liturgy as it relates to church worship services and other ministry functions. Participants gain competency in understanding the distinctive elements of the Reformed theological tradition and the administration of infant and adult baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
For more information or to register for one or more of the above courses, please contact Mark Veldt: veldtmark@gmail.com.
Photo credit: CJS*64 A man with a camera / Foter.com / CC BY-ND