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Handling Failure—In Ourselves and Others

In Our Blog by Dr. Wayne BrouwerLeave a Comment

Handling Failure—In Ourselves and Others Some years ago a psychologist named Aldrich published a fascinating article about his work in social services, spending most of his time with teenagers who had been arrested for shoplifting or other theft. Aldrich interviewed …

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Winds and Waves

In Our Blog by Dr. Wayne BrouwerLeave a Comment

One of the greatest military campaigns ever conducted was the Persian invasion of Greece in 480 B.C. King Xerxes (the ruler featured in the pages of the Old Testament book of Esther) set out to redress the humiliation suffered by …

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What are you eating?

In Our Blog by Dr. Wayne BrouwerLeave a Comment

Most likely you are eating as you read this blog. Maybe it is only a cup of coffee, maybe a quick breakfast on the run, or a donut at break. Food is a very big part of our lives. Hunger …

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In Our Blog by Dr. Wayne BrouwerLeave a Comment

While the news of the day is uncertain, and often frightening, it is important for Christians to remember that we are on the winning side in the battles of life. When Jesus tells his Parables of the Seed and the …

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What Kind of Kingdom?

In Our Blog by Dr. Wayne BrouwerLeave a Comment

Some of us have the notion that the kingdom of God is primarily a secret and personal rule of God in individual hearts. God is no earthly ruler whose fortunes are dictated by the latest research poll. His name won’t …